What equipment do I need to use Synvichor?

Our all-in-one solution, HighPlex, is an automated PCR lab in a box. This device can extract, amplify and analyse synovial fluid samples directly from the patient. With our unique signature and algorithmic combination, we can provide the clinician with actionable information in as little as three hours.

I don’t have a Highplex device, how do I get one?

Reach out to our team to ask how we can place a device in your laboratory.

Can I run the Synvichor test on another machine?

Synvichor can only be run on the HighPlex device. The unique combination of MT-PCR (probeless PCR) and our genomic signature has been optimised to deliver the high precision and quality results of Synvichor.

How do I use Synvichor?

Simply take a synovial aspirate from your patient, fill in a request form, and send it to the laboratory. Once there, lab staff take a small aliquot of synovial fluid (less than 0.5mL) and load it into the HighPlex device. Results are delivered to your preferred pathology viewer as soon as they are complete.

How accurate is the Synvichor test?

Synvichor* technology offers unparalleled accuracy in both negative and positive predictive value (NPV, PPV). We achieve this by using multiple cut-off thresholds to enhance the performance of our unique interpretive algorithm.

Based on a cohort of over 300 patients, we offer the following threshold values:

  • Score 1: NPV >95%
  • Score 2: NPV >87%
  • Score 3: PPV >77%
  • Score 4: PPV >95%
*For Research Use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Is there any change to the existing work-up?

Synvichor has been designed to fit into the existing testing and work-up routine for all patients with undifferentiated joint pain. The only change will be the test you order (Synvichor Native for native joints or Synvichor Prosthetic for prosthetic joints). Laboratory staff take a small aliquot of synovial fluid (less than 0.5mL) and place this into the HighPlex PCR device. The rest of the process is fully automated, providing results in three hours.

How do I interpret the result?

See: How accurate is the Synvichor test?

Using the probability scores:

  • Score 1: Extremely unlikely to be infected: safest group for discharge.
  • Score 2: Unlikely to be infected: consider other tests before discharge.
  • Score 3: Likely to be infected: probable admission with further testing.
  • Score 4: Extremely likely to be infected: consider commencing treatment options.
How do I run the Synvichor test?

Simply take a synovial aspirate from your patient, fill in a request form, and send it to the laboratory. Once there, lab staff take a small aliquot of synovial fluid (less than 0.5mL) and load it into the HighPlex device. The HighPlex device then completes extraction, amplification and analysis, delivering accurate reliable and actionable results to the clinician in three hours.

How do I order Synvichor?

Using manual request forms, simply ask for the Synvichor test when writing pathology studies. Using the electronic Medical Records system, tick the box requesting Synvichor as a laboratory study. Nominate the joint type and the rest is automated. You should use Synvichor Native for native joints and Synvichor Prosthetic for prosthetic joints.

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